...oh, and there was something about the Queen.
So last week saw an abundance of gorgeous sunshine - and after years of being told to avoid daylight, I finally realised that it's not because us gingers sparkle when the sunlight hits us (will your lies ever stop Twilight saga?), but instead it's because we burn easy, real easy.
Even the evenings have been nice, bright and warm - it's good when you don't have to come in from outside at night just because it's gotten dark or cold. If anything, maybe it's been a little too warm at night. Not wanting to go into too much detail, but sleeping 'nude' has definitely been the 'coolest' option - the only downside is that I've been falling asleep in the garden and it's scaring the neighbours kids.
I need to try & keep up with the stand-up comedy thing, and online dating still remains the easiest way I've found of 'meeting' new material. My favourite chat-up mail I received this week contained simply the word, "Nice", accompanied by a picture of what I'm assuming/hoping is a wookie's elbow cleft... 'nice'.
Some people are able to take rejection in their stride, however, judging by her extensive use of BLOCK CAPITALS I'm guessing that Ladyh667 is not one of them!
- Just kidding Ladyh667! - I'm guessing you've probably already found my blog too, of course what I really meant to say is that I love you... (Please don't hurt me).
Following the horrific, drug-induced, night-of-the-living-dead-esque, face mauling of a homeless person in Miami, one 'wacky' Florida prankster has taken to dressing himself as a member of the undead masses and chasing around the already hysterical locals. Smart.
Florida's police are saying that he's lucky he hasn't been shot in the face, because lord knows they've been trying! (Everybody knows that a headshot is the only real cure!).
In more local news, it looks like the inevitable zombie apocalypse will be striking Wales this coming August. The Flintshire Zombie Survival Race will see groups of 'survivors' trying their best to outrun the shuffling hordes in a treasure hunt meets orienteering game of tag, all in the name of Cancer Research. Whilst it all sounds like 'fun', mark my words, there will be no winners when the zom-pocalypse finally does arrive.
And finally, who could forget about the Diamond Jubilee? At 86 ol' Queenie Liz #2 probably can!
Her sixty year reign of terror was celebrated by the nation with rain, bunting and an extra day off. Yay. Unfortunately that's where my interest ended on the subject, so instead of ending with a semi-accurate/coherant rundown of Jubilee events, here's a picture of a kitten...
G'nite all!
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